I am a strong believer that empowering business owners and entrepreneurs to succeed creates a stronger local economy. I myself provide digital services that lubricate the gears of startups and help founders find financial independence. Inasmuch I like to support tools that further that agenda.
Alexandra Lysik, a local business woman in Wilmington, NC, has a special talent for networking. She is energetic, outgoing, and creates strong relationships based on reciprocating referrals. It stands to reason she often gets asked about where networking events in town and surrounding areas are, when they are, and who she connects to. Of course, a busy woman only has so much time to address these questions, but naturally she wants to help. She decided to shed light on her secrets by letting the Sunshine in.

On Tuesday January 12th, Alexandra hosted a website launch party co-sponsored by Mike Hunter of Pivot Launch Coaching. She launched a new site focused on providing tools for network marketing individuals in the Coastal area. It’s called My Sunshine Adventures, branded after her personal mascot Little Miss Sunshine, and provides useful tools and resources for any local business person or entrepreneur looking to spread their reach.
Features on the My Sunshine Adventures site include a “spotlight business of the week” section which provides a detailed overview of local companies and a blog updated with powerful information for anyone in the network marketing field. Perhaps one of the most valuable features, however, may be the calendar that lists nearly all networking events in the county. Seriously, go to the site and add those events to your calendar. You’ll keep yourself busy.
My Sunshine Adventures encompasses the entrepreneurial spirit without the bleeding edge technology normally associated with it. She identified a series of problems, then, once she did, she solved them and made the solution digitally available.
I would like the community of NHC [New Hanover County] and Brunswick County to be able to use the website as a resource in planning their next sales strategy. Grow in networking partners, learn new networking skills and nurture their grass roots approach to sales. — Alexandra Lysik
Lysik’s vision is to strengthen the potency of the ecosystem by providing success tools to its members. Her website provides exactly that service. You can support Alexandra as she supports the community by asking her about insurance services at alysik@allstate.com.
Originally posted – https://medium.com/@bluefission/local-website-shares-network-marketing-opportunities-40c80215f8b4#.ggg6878ye