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And Then it Happened

obscured face mask

And then it happened
Announced by herald Angels to atheist shepherds
Upon whose ears the horns fell silent
And foretold by portentous stellar scribes
Whose etched prognostications shone down on illiterate Magi

And then it happened
Like a thief in the night
Responding to his early invitation
Prophesied to non-believers and their talking-head idols

A plague spake by Pharaoh’s own mouth
Who stands shocked o’er his stricken son
So leave it unwritten
Still let it be done

And they wept
O did they cry
“Why have you forsaken us?”
And lo
God did not answer
Their DM was left on read
As did His emails go to their spam

As wisdom cried through the streets
Fools paid her no heed
And the plague did visit every door
And as he knocked they opened

And there was no lamb’s blood
O’er their posts
The lamb was slaughtered
And made into a scapegoat

And then it happened
Announced by no one
That was being listened to
And then it happened
That the world stood still
And science was blamed
For not sounding urgent enough